Advanced Integrative Energy Healing is a complimentary holistic modality that nurtures your potential for self-care and healing when coping with issues not limited to:

  • Grief & End of Life Care

  • Stress & Anxiety

  • Acute Injury & Chronic Illnesses 

  • Chronic Pain

Advanced Integrative Energy Healing  is grounded in Theory:

  • Integral Yogic Psychology (A. Ghose)
  • Biofield Theory (Brennan, Oschman, Rubik)
  • Somatic Physiology (Vander Kolk, Ogden, Levine)

Energy is the currency of all interactions in nature. To leave energetic considerations out of the equations of life and medicine is to ignore 99 percent of what is happening.”

                                                                 James Oschman

Grounding, strengthening energetic boundaries, & nervous system self-regulation are important aspects of creating balance physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. 

'Advanced Integrative Energy Healing is a full-spectrum therapeutic modality aimed at supporting whole person well-being.

This modality integrates consciousness-based Integral Yoga Psychology, Somatic Physiology, Awareness Dialogue, Biofield Theory and Modern Western Science.

AIEH biofield-based treatments focus on physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and relational aspects of healing.

The goal is to empower individuals to re-pattern their biofield, to build resilience and to develop well-resourced self-care and coping strategies.'

(Langara College IEH Intensive 2015)

Your clinician will work with you to Co-Create a Plan of Care  that best supports your Intention for Health and Well-being.

You will develop skills to support the maintenance of healthy shifts brought about by your Advanced Integrative Energy Healing treatments.

Grief and End of Life Care

Advanced Integrative Energy Healing treatments work to facilitate the Grounding, Centering, and Alignment to support symptom management and ease transitions.

Advanced Integrative Energy Healing strives to provide gentle support of symptoms <physical, emotional and spiritual> experienced during End of Life and Palliative Care. These gentle sessions are client focused, respecting values and beliefs, and are also beneficial as caregiver support.